Tuesday, November 18, 2008

10 random things

i love purple a LOT, although green comes in as a close 2nd.
curling up with a book just is not the same w/o a cat.
i grew up in the 60s; hair, long beautiful hair still rocks my world.
i would rather be in school studying.
as you may have noticed i don't like shifting for capitals.
i don't like diamonds, mining them kills small innocent children, especially in Africa. http://www.amnestyusa.org/amnestynow/diamonds.html
cookbooks w/o pictures are a waste of time and money - Ronda dittos.
my greatest joys: looking at my daughter Mylly's art and watching my daughter Brittany dance and witnessing my grand-daughter Miryam grow.
autumn is my favorite season because the colors keep me breathing.
i love bugs a LOT, the bigger the better.
my husband and I have been together since 1968; we are soul mates.